Instructions for preparing and submitting the abstract
- Type the abstract clearly using Word software and the template provided below. Please prepare the abstract in English and use Times New Roman font (format 12 or 12-point).
- The abstract should be prepared in a single page and include in sequence the title, authors’ names and their respective affiliation, post address, abstract content text, keywords and corresponding author’s email address. The abstract text should not exceed 300 words and the keywords number should not exceed 3. The title should be centered and not more than 20 words.
- If there are more than 6 authors, please use first author's name and 'et al.' The corresponding author should be indicated with (*) and his/her contact email should be provided.
- The page setup is as follows: A4 size with margins of 3.6 cm for top and bottom; margins of 3 cm for the left and right sides. The text is to be single spaced.
- Please register and submit your abstract through the website of, this is the only recommended way of submitting your abstract. Please do not submit your abstract via email.
- No more than 2 abstracts can be submitted for one registration or one payment.
- All abstracts accepted for presentation and with registration for AMEC-10 meeting will be printed in the abstract booklet.
- All posters presented at AMEC-2016 will be reviewed during the poster sessions. Best Poster Awards will be presented on Dec. 7, 2016.
The abstract template file in WORD is provided below for your convenience.