1. 臺灣桃園國際機場至國立臺北科技大學之交通資訊
From Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) to National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech)
附註 Reference
長榮巴士 Evergreen Bus
車號 Bus 5201 http://www.taiwanbus.tw/information.aspx?Lang=En&Line=3981
車號 Bus 5202 http://www.taiwanbus.tw/information.aspx?Lang=En&Line=3907
車號 Bus NO. 5201
車號 Bus NO. 5202
票價 Fare
票價 Fare
時間 Service
時間 Service
車程 Duration
50-60 minutes
車程 Duration
60-70 minutes
行經路線 Service Route
第二航廈 Terminal 2
第一航廈 Terminal 1
行天宮站 MRT Xingtian Temple Station
救國團 China Youth Corps
興安國宅 Xiang-an Residence
南京東路站 MRT Nanjing East Road Station
復興南路 Fuxing South Road
忠孝復興站 MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Station
National Taipei University of Technology
行經路線 Service Route
第二航廈 Terminal 2
第一航廈 Terminal 1
貨運站 Transportation Station
菓林 Guolin
水尾 Shuiwei
溪州 Xizhou
台茂 Taimao
南崁 Nankan Stop
長榮 Evergreen
松江新村 Songjiang Village
救國團 China Youth Corps
興安國宅 Xiang-an Residence
南京東路站 MRT Nanjing East Road Station
復興南路 Fuxing South Road
忠孝復興站 MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Station
National Taipei University of Technology
Please print out this page and show it to the driver when boarding the Evergreen Bus at the airport bound for Taipei Tech.
2. 學校周邊交通資訊
Available public transportation around Taipei Tech
(1) 捷運 Taipei Metro (MRT):
n 藍線及橘線「忠孝新生站」,4號出口
Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station (Blue & Orange Line), Exit 4
n 臺北捷運路線圖 Taipei Metro Route Map
AMEC-2016 venue
GIS Taipei Tech Convention Center
(2) 公車 Bus:
n 臺北科技大學站 National Taipei University of Technology Stop
n 忠孝新生路口Zhongxiao Xinsheng Rd. Intersection Stop
(3) 公共自行車 YouBike:
Next to MRT Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station, Exit 3
(4) 臺北大眾交通價位 Fare of public transportation in Taipei
*Starting from NT$20 (one way)
Fare varies according to your destination
*NT$15 (per ride)
Fare varies according to your destination
**NT$10 per 30 minutes within the first 4 hours.
Starting from NT$70
Fare varies according to your destination
*A 20% off the regular fare is given to Student EasyCard holders. Extra 20% discount will be given when transferring between Bus and MRT.
** NT$5 is granted to YouBike members for the first 30 minutes.
Walk from Zhongxiao-Xingsheng metro station exit 4 along Zhongxiao E. Rd. toward east (take a U-turn at the exit). After passing the gate of Taipei Tech and Jianguo elevated expressway, the GIS Taipei Tech Convention Center is on the left. The venue of AMEC-2016 is at the 2nd floor of the Everlight Building (grey in color). The walking distance is about 500 meter.
4. 更多交通資訊
More transportation information
臺北捷運 MRT: http://english.trtc.com.tw/
公車 Bus: http://www.e-bus.taipei.gov.tw/new/english/en_index_6_1.aspx
火車 Taiwan Railways: http://twtraffic.tra.gov.tw/twrail/English/e_index.aspx
高鐵 Taiwan High Speed Rail: http://www5.thsrc.com.tw/en/
臺北轉運站 Taipei Bus Station: http://www.taipeibus.com.tw/default.asp
臺北公共自行車 YouBike: http://www.youbike.com.tw/
Venue of AMEC-2016: GIS Taipei Tech Convention Center