


Early bird registration

before Oct. 15, 2016

Regular and on-site registration

after Oct. 15, 2016

Regular participant

NTD 20,000

NTD 23,500


NTD 10,000

NTD 11,750

Accompanying Person

NTD 10,000

NTD 11,750

[NOTE] 1 USD ~ 32 NTD as of July, 2016.

The registration fee includes access to all sessions, exhibitions, conference program, souvenirs, coffee breaks, lunches, and conference banquet


 Half-day tour

(Dec. 6, 2016 afternoon)

Early bird

before Oct. 15, 2016


(limited space only)

Route 1 (whale watching* and Yi-Lan)

* subject to weather conditions CANCELLED

NTD 2,700

NTD 2,700

Route 2 (Taipei 101 and Nat'l Palace Museum) CANCELLED


Route 3 (Yehliu and Jiufen)

NTD 1,700

NTD 1,700


Payment method

  • For registrations before October 15, 2016, payment can be made via credit card.
  • For registrations on-site, payment can be made by credit cards or cash. 
  • All payment will be charged in New Taiwan Dollar (NTD).


Notes on Registration

  • Contributing authors must register using the same account for abstract submission. Each registration is entitled to no more than two abstracts.
  • Author of each accepted abstract should register and make full payment by 24:00 (GMT+8), October 15, 2016 to have your article included in the conference program.
  • Confirmation and receipt of registration will be provided upon clearance of payment. The participants may also login to the registration system again and download the receipt after payment.
  • Online payment is strongly suggested. 通 for Chinese participants is also available for online payment. 

  • Bank transmittal is used ONLY when online payment is not possible. Please make transfer to
    • Bank of Taiwan Taipei Branch
    • Address: No.80, Song-Jiang Rd., Taipei, TAIWAN
    • SWIFT code: BKTWTWTP238
    • Account name: Taiwan Ceramic Society
    • Account no: 238007005818

Use NTD 32 per USD exchange rate for cash transmittal. The decimals should be automatically rounded up to integers. After the transmittal is completed, make sure that the proof of transmittal is scanned and e-mailed with registration details (including abstract numbers) to 


  Register Now     

Special notes for participants holding Mainland China Passport






1. 申请书 (按此下载与填写 空白表單 [.doc] 、空白表單[.pdf]填写范例.pdf 档案回函档案采用 申请人姓名_申请书.doc 命名)

请用计算机繁体字撰写,英文姓名须与护照或大陆居民往来台湾通行证之英文姓名相同,另请详填地址及申请人亲属状况(含出生年月日及子女),并回答第2页「申报事项」后亲笔签名 。

2. 照片-彩色白底照片规格详申请书,请务必遵照规定,不需黏贴于申请书上。(文件名请采用 申请人姓名_照片.jpg 命名)

3. 大陆地区居民身分证正反面复印件-请勿黏贴于申请书上。(文件名请采用 申请人姓名_身分证.jpg 命名)

4. 最高学历毕业证书复印件。(文件名请采用 申请人姓名_学历证明.jpg 命名)

5. 个人履历-包含专业领域或特殊技能说明及著作列表。(文件名请采用 申请人姓名_履历.pdf 命名)

6. 工作/在职/在学证明-请详注到职或入学之年月日。(文件名请采用 申请人姓名_工作证明.jpg 命名)

7. 如为「再次」访台者,请提供大陆居民往来台湾通行证复印件或载有英文姓名之身分证明文件复印件。(文件名请采用 申请人姓名_来台通行证.jpg 命名)

8. 申请者如旅居国外地区或香港、澳门,请检附国外地区再入境签证、居留证、香港或澳门身分证复印件。(文件名请采用 申请人姓名_港澳证明.jpg 命名)

9. 请务必提供您的电子邮件信箱电话号码,以方便联系。


10. 以上数据请以电子邮件寄到 或邮寄至:

亚洲电子陶瓷会议秘书处 收








[重要資訊] 待台方核批入台证通过后,大陆与会人士另须向陆方台办申请审批,审批时程约需两个月或以上。若大陆人士因双方审批作业未能获准来台,於二0一六年十月三十一日前提供证明并以书面通知本会,本会将以80%的注册费退费



中華民國國內註冊  (<-- 由此入)



  1. Papers without paid registration will not be included in the conference program.
  2. If a paid registrant is unable to attend, please notify the conference secretariat ( in writing with proper reasons.
  3. Cancellation must be made prior Nov. 5, 2016 for partial refunds. Cancelled papers will not be included in the conference program.
  4. Paid registrations cancelled before Oct. 25, 2016, 80% of the registration fees will be refunded.
  5. Paid registrations cancelled between Oct. 26 and Nov. 5, 2016, 60% of the registration fees will be refunded.
  6. If cancellations are due to failed visa applications and the proofs are provided prior Oct. 31, 2016, 80% of the registration fees may be refunded.




